Top 10 Awesome tricks and tips of facebook[impress your friends]

Hello there, as you know I have already posted so much facebook stuff on this site. so this is the right time to reopen that useful and working stuff.

I hope you liked my previous facebook trick on How to remove facebook timeline. Now I am back with another top 5 Facebook tricks which you may not here it is enjoy Facebooking..

1.Watch Streaming TV Live on Facebook:

It is just a Facebook Application that provides free streaming live TV channels

You can watch a lot of International Channels using this Application.

This application is totally at free of cost.

2.Create a Video With Your Pictures on Facebook:

You can easily create a video with your Facebook Pictures.To create a video with your facebook photos go to[click here].

3.Profile “View As…”

Ever wonder what your profile looks like to the public eye or even a specific person?  The “View As…” feature allows you to do just that. Beneath the bottom right corner of your cover photo, there is a small gear-shaped button (also next to the “Activity Log” button). When clicked, a menu with the option to see your profile how others see it drops down. Click “View As…” and you’ll see your profile change in appearance.

This is also a nice security feature to see just how much the public sees on your profile. You may end up wanting to change a thing or two that you didn’t know were visible to the public eye.

4.Trick to update your status on facebook via calculator

With this trick whenever you update your status, then facebook shows you that your status is updated via [BlackBerry BlackBerry Torch, BlackBerry,PlayBook, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPad, iPad 2, iPad 3, MacBook, MacBook Pro, Android, Calculator] to your friends

After that page will appear as shown in figure
 just type your status and click on SEND

5.Delete Facebook Account Permanently:

Most of them are confused between deleting and deactiving their Facebook Account.

Deactivating is completely different from deleting your account permanently.

Deactivating means staying away from your account and all your photos,updates,activities will be there as usual and you can reactivate it whenever you want to.

Deleting a facebook account means earasing everything that is already existing in you facebook account like phtos,videos,updates etc. Permanently deleting a facebook account url is not available readily.

It is not visible easily because it doesnt exist in your account settings/options.So click the following link that will be redirected to delete facebook account page.Login to your account then click this link DELETE ACCOUNT

6.Trick to see who is online when you are offline:

Sometimes it becomes necessary to check who is online which being offline.At such times there is a very cool Facebook Application which can make your job easy.Use the below application to know who are online while you are offline.

click here :

7.How to update blank status on facebook.

STEP 1. – First of all login to your FACEBOOK account.

STEP 2. – Now type this code in your status bar and click on post

@[0:0: ]

8.How to update your facebook status in blue colour

STEP 1. Open your facebook account

STEP 2. Now copy this code and replace the “your text” with your status

@[1: ]@@[1:[0:1: your text ]]

9.  Facebook number magic trick.

STEP 1.-First of all open your facebook profile. Here you’ll noticed that there is a some type of numeric id at address bar.

STEP 2.Copy that numeric id, which i told you in step 1, now after coping that numeric id just fill it in the code given in step 3.

STEP 3.-@[numeric id:0]      e.g.@[311391422247135:0:]

STEP 4.-I hope you have did your job till step 3, now just copy the whole code and paste it anywhere on facebook. This code automatically replaced with your profile link.

You can also play with your friends just make this code like this@+[ 311391422247135:0:]and ask your friends to post it on their wall after removing + sign to see the magic.

10.How to show only online friends to chat

You know, what i hate on facebook -” My Offline Friends “. Why ??? Because they offline but still they are showing in facebook chat box. Then i think there may be many people like me who hate this thing so i decided to find something that make offline friends hidden from facebook chat & today i’m here with a trick. .

you just need install this Google chrome extension to your Google chrome browser. Facebook Chat Fix 2.0

one more>>.Know when your friend unfriends here ..!Find Out When Friends Unfriend You On Facebook!


As Facebook continues to grow, so do its features. Currently, I see these as the most helpful features at the time, but if you feel there is one (or more) that I missed, let us know in the comments below how you use it to improve your Facebook experience. What is the most useful Facebook feature for you?

5 thoughts on “Top 10 Awesome tricks and tips of facebook[impress your friends]

  1. hardeep

    thankxx itz awesome . .
    Tell me how to unfriend the deactivated ids frm d list since these days fb nt showing deactivated ids in d frnd list . . Plzz help me out. .
    Thankxx in advance


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