Tag Archives: people

20 funny reasons why it’s better to be a woman


Women are talkative than boys. we all know it.Bieng a girl I am writing an article call 20 funny reasons why it’s better to be a woman.I dont know much about boys.But u know womens  always respect truth.!

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Amazing Health Benefits of Coconut Water

Coconut water is probably the healthiest liquid that you can ever take in your entire life. It can give you much more than the health benefits that a commercially-produced thirst quencher can give. Here are some of the health benefits of coconut water that you might want to take note of; Continue reading

Funny questions asked by upsc(IAS) selection members during interview.

Not only our technical knowledge helps, but also the presence of mind and the right answer at right time. This is very important during interview especially in upcs selection process. Even if u don’t know the answer for a question just confuse the questioner .One who are preparing for IAS exam should read this article. Continue reading